How Genes Impact Your Health
Genes determine your eye colour, your hair but also decide whether you will get a disease. Randox Health help families find their risk from diseases like Genetic Haemochromatosis, Coeliac Disease, Lactose Intolerance and many more.
Could I have lactose intolerance? Find out your risk today
Identifying key genetic markers to determine risk of Primary Lactose Intolerance will allow you to make necessary changes to improve how your quality of life.
Coeliac Disease: Why Should I Get Tested
When encountering symptoms such as bloating and stomach pain, we can be quick to diagnose ourselves however Coeliac disease when unidentified can provide serious health issues not just for you, but close family members too.
5 Minerals & Vitamins For Energy Boosts
Maintaining a positive vitamin & mineral profile is a huge factor in ensuring we don’t have issues with fatigue and deficiency. Check out our 5 vital vitamins and minerals for high energy levels.
Test Your Liver Health
Liver Disease is the third leading cause of premature death in the UK, however early and effective testing and lifestyle changes can stop liver failure. Read more on how one test can hugely improve your quality of life
An Early Kidney Test Can Prevent Chronic Kidney Disease
Randox Health’s CKD biochip technology allows us to diagnose Chronic Kidney Disease at it’s earliest. Read more on how to get tested.
Lipoprotein (a) Awareness Day – 5 Vital Facts to know about Lp(a)
Lipoprotein(a) is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Here’s 5 facts to help get to the heart of it.
5 Reasons you Should Invest in your Health
When our health is poor, so is our quality of life which is why we have to place a priority on preserving good health. Check out our 5 reasons as to why you should be encouraged to invest in your own health.
Thyroid Health – Underactive Support for an Overactive Issue
1 in 20 people in the UK have a thyroid disorder that’s either temporary/permanent, however this stat would be much higher if individuals in the UK knew they had a thyroid problem.