The Testing Timeline – Health Screening For All Stages Of Life.

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Life’s full of ups and downs, and so is your health. As we go from our 20s, with all the excitement and new experiences, to our later years, where we have a bit more wisdom under our belts, knowing what health screening to get can make a big difference. At Randox Health, we’re here to give you the information you need to stay on top of your game.

This article is all about the key health screening to consider at each stage of your life. We’ll break it down decade by decade, so you know exactly what to look out for. Whether it’s checking your genes for lifelong risks or getting specific tests relevant to your age group, we’ve got your back.

Genetic Testing

At Randox Health, we leverage the power of genetic health screening to provide lifelong insights into your health. Your genetic makeup doesn’t change, meaning the right time for these tests is anytime you choose.

Our genetic cancer testing identifies potential genetic predispositions to various cancers, including breast, ovarian, prostate, colorectal and thyroid cancer, empowering you with knowledge to take preventive actions early. This proactive approach can significantly alter your health trajectory, providing peace of mind and tailored strategies for cancer prevention.

Learn more about genetic cancer testing through our World Cancer Day blog from this year, discussing the impact it can have when conducted early.

Type 1 diabetes is largely influenced by genetics. Early detection through our tests can guide immediate and effective management strategies, potentially reducing its impact and helping to prevent the disease’s onset. Our Type 1 Diabetes Risk Test screens for 10 genetic variants to calculate your unique genetic risk score. Based on this score you will be classified as high risk or low risk of developing the disease in the future.

Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a genetic disorder that elevates cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of early cardiovascular disease. Genetic testing for FH is crucial as it identifies the condition early, enabling timely interventions such as diet changes and medications to prevent serious health issues.

Why Genetic Health Screening

Genetic tests are invaluable at any stage of life, offering a constant, unchanging blueprint that guides personalised health strategies. They equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions, enhancing your health and wellbeing based on your unique genetic makeup. Don’t forget that genetic testing doesn’t provide a diagnosis, it simply evaluates your risk of developing a condition. In other words, if you receive a high-risk result, this does not mean you will develop the condition, it just means you’re at a higher risk than those who receive a low-risk result.

Health Screening For Your 20s

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Your 20s are a time of learning, fun and new experiences. It’s during our 20s we truly become familiar with our bodies, making it a great time to begin your health journey. However, it’s also a time when we become familiar with the bodies of others, putting us at risk of infection of a variety of common sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Our Complete STI Screen helps you identify if you have an infection, seek the appropriate treatment, prevent the spread of the contagious pathogens, and reduce the risk of long-term consequences by detecting 16 common STIs, including HIV, chlamydia, & gonorrhoea

Nutritional Deficiencies & Conditions

In your 20s, while you’re exploring new foods and even new cultures, it’s also a crucial time to understand how these experiences affect your body. Nutritional deficiencies can subtly impact your energy, mood, and overall health without you even realising it. Because of this, we recommend the following health checks if you’re curious on your specific dietary needs:

Our comprehensive Vitamin and Minerals test offers a deep dive into your nutritional status, checking for vital nutrients such as Vitamin D, iron, and calcium. This isn’t just about finding what’s lacking; it’s about providing the knowledge you need to optimise your diet for better energy, stronger bones, and improved immunity.

Ever felt bloated or uncomfortable after a milkshake or pizza? You might be one of the many people who develop lactose intolerance in adulthood. Understanding whether lactose is a friend or foe helps you make smarter dietary choices that can significantly enhance your comfort and health. You can assess your genetic predisposition to lactose intolerance with our Genetic Lactose Intolerance Test.

An autoimmune condition triggered by eating gluten. It can develop at any age and often goes undiagnosed. Our Genetic Coeliac Disease Test can detect genetic risk markers of this condition, guiding you towards a potentially necessary gluten-free lifestyle. Early diagnosis is key to preventing serious complications like nutrient absorption issues and intestinal damage. To learn more about Coeliac Disease, check out our Coeliac Disease Awareness day blog post.

For a truly comprehensive analysis of your how your nutritional status, consider our Nutrition and Lifestyle DNA package. We test for variations in your genetic code that influence your response to nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle factors as well as your predisposition to certain nutritional diseases. Remember, carrying a risk variant does not necessarily mean that you will develop a disease, you may just be at higher risk of developing the disease. Some of the common deficiencies and intolerance included are:

  • Lactose Intolerance
  • Gluten Intolerance
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency risk
  • Vitamin C deficiency risk
  • Vitamin D deficiency risk
  • Calcium deficiency risk
  • Magnesium deficiency risk

For the sports fans out there, we also assess gene variants associated with areas of athletic performance such as muscle mass, composition, and recovery as well as caffeine metabolism. To complete this package, we test your risk for several conditions including obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and familial hypercholesterolaemia, as well as genes associated with your sleep and mental health.

Fertility and AMH

At this age many people begin to consider family planning. Understanding your fertility health early on can provide peace of mind and help you make informed decisions about your reproductive future. At Randox Health, we offer comprehensive female fertility testing that evaluates key reproductive hormones and other vital factors influencing your ability to conceive. This includes tests for hormone levels, ovarian reserve, and other parameters crucial for fertility health.

One important test for assessing ovarian reserve is the Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) test. AMH is produced by the follicles in your ovaries and serves as an indicator of your remaining egg supply. Higher levels of AMH suggest a higher number of remaining eggs, which can be beneficial information if you are planning to start a family. This test provides valuable insights into your fertility potential and helps in making informed decisions about family planning.

While fertility and AMH testing are particularly relevant in your 20s, they are beneficial at any age if you are considering starting or extending your family. These tests can help identify potential issues early, allowing for timely interventions and more effective family planning strategies. Regardless of your age, understanding your fertility health can empower you to take proactive steps towards achieving your reproductive goals.

Health Screening for Your 30s

As you settle into your 30s, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about long-term health strategies. This decade is often marked by increased responsibilities and less time for self-care, making it crucial to monitor key aspects of your health.

Heart Health

In your 30s, it’s essential to be mindful of cardiovascular health. Factors such as diet, exercise, and stress levels play a significant role in heart health. Checking your Lipoprotein(a) type, a genetic marker associated with heart disease, is particularly important, as elevated levels can increase the risk of cardiovascular issues later in life. It’s likely this is the first time you’ve heard of Lipoprotein (a) so learn everything you need to know in our Lp(a) Awareness Day blog and in the off-chance you know what it is, find out how much you really know.

Liver Function

Your liver is vital for detoxification and metabolism. This organ works hard to process everything from nutrients in your food to alcohol and medicines. Ensuring your liver is healthy helps safeguard against conditions like fatty liver disease and hepatitis, which can have long-term health implications. Understand the extent your liver goes to keep you healthy in our liver health blog, Your Liver Is Your Lifeline.

Kidney Health

Kidneys play a critical role in filtering waste and managing body fluids. In your 30s, monitoring kidney function can catch early signs of conditions like chronic kidney disease, which are more manageable when detected early. For more information on kidney health, read our blog.

Diabetes Risk

As your metabolism changes, the risk of developing diabetes increases. Diabetes is linked to obesity, and the prevalence of obesity is increasing. Understanding your risk factors for diabetes is crucial for implementing lifestyle changes that can prevent or manage the condition.

Full-Body Health Screening

While it’s important to be aware of these specific health areas, managing individual tests can be challenging, especially when free time becomes more and more rare as we get older. That’s why our Everyman and Everywoman tests provide a comprehensive health screening that covers all these areas and more. These holistic health tests are designed to give you a complete overview of your health. With 2 health checks in 12 months, these packages are designed to help you track changes in your health, make informed decisions and take proactive steps toward a healthier future.

Health Screening For Your 40s

Your 40s are a time of significant change, particularly in terms of hormonal health. It’s essential to understand these changes as they can impact everything from your energy levels to your reproductive health.

Hormonal Health Screening

Men might start noticing changes in energy levels, mood, and physical health due to shifts in hormone levels, particularly testosterone. Monitoring these levels can help address issues such as reduced libido, increased body fat, and decreased bone density early.

Women in their 40s may experience changes in their menstrual cycle as they approach menopause. Tracking hormone levels can help manage symptoms like mood swings, sleep disturbances, and changes in weight. Understanding these hormonal shifts is crucial for maintaining quality of life and managing health proactively.


Menopause is a significant change that all women face. Our menopause health tests help identify the onset of menopause and monitor the hormonal changes that occur, aiding in the management of symptoms and overall health during this transition.

While individual tests are invaluable for targeted concerns, our Everyman and Everywoman packages include these hormone assessments, providing a comprehensive look at your hormonal health as part of a broader health strategy. This holistic approach ensures that no aspect of your health is overlooked as you navigate the complexities of your 40s.


Health Screening for 50+

As you step into your 50s and beyond, taking a holistic approach to your health is key. Randox Health’s comprehensive testing packages offer detailed insights across a range of health markers, ensuring a thorough understanding of your overall health.

Advanced PSA Test

For men, maintaining prostate health is crucial. Prostate cancer mainly affects men over 50 and your risk increases as you get older. Our Advanced PSA test is not just a standard PSA test; it combines the traditional PSA measure with a novel Prostate Cancer Risk score. This dual approach allows for a more accurate assessment of your risk of prostate cancer, facilitating timely and effective preventative strategies.

Neurological Markers

Understanding and monitoring neurological health is essential, especially as the risk of neurodegenerative diseases increases with age. Our Signature panels include crucial markers such as D-Dimer, Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP), Glutathione S-transferase Pi (GSTPi), Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase A (NDKA), and Parkinson Disease Protein 7 (PARK7). These markers can help detect early signs of neurological damage or inflammation, guiding proactive measures to protect brain health.

Curious on what exactly neurological markers help measure? Our Mapping The Mind article covers stress health, alzheimers and other critical neurological conditions tha can be detected early.


Keeping an eye on your health through every decade can make a world of difference. From genetic testing to track potential risks to specific health tests tailored to each stage of life, Randox Health has got you covered. We’ve walked you through what to look out for in your 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond. Now, it’s up to you to take that next step.

Ready to get ahead of the game? Book your health test with Randox Health today and make sure you’re in the best shape, no matter what age you are. Visit Randox Health to learn more and schedule your tests. Your future self will thank you.