Can Blood Testing Optimise Athletic Performance?.

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These days, a professional athlete would have access to extensive nutrition and training regimes based on a personalised blood test for athletes that amateur athletes could only dream of. You might not think it, but one small sample of blood when analysed produces results across over 100 key health areas…and it’s easily accessible.

As fitness has become more accessible to all, interest in our physical health has increased, with in the UK classified as physically active.  Fitness tracking and reaching fitness goals are no longer terms associated with elite athletes, this is daily language used by every athlete.

Personalized athletic blood testing may be associated in many peoples minds with investigation into health problems, did you know that you can analyse your blood to help to reach your fitness goals? Every day we track our lives through sleep apps, exercise apps, food apps and more.  Your blood isn’t giving you an estimate, it gives you precise, personalised data, allowing your results to be used in the context of peak performance and personal bests.

Our Blood Test for Athletes.

Randox Health have created a unique Everyathlete programme. The personalised programme has been designed to help maximise individual performance and fitness goals through testing, analysis, and monitoring of your health.

There’s no minimum level of athlete you need to be to get this test. You could be playing Sunday League football every week or simply go to the gym five times a week. The point still stands that you’ll access the same level of groundbreaking insights that Team GB utilise to optimise their health with the goal of cementing legacy.

It provides key data across a number of biomarkers — that is, data points linked to hormones, nutrition, muscle and more. For example, a high white blood cell count, may indicate inflammation and that you’re not allowing enough recovery time between workouts. This kind of information can be a great motivator for improvement.

blood test for athletes - Duncan Scott
Team GB Gold Medallist Swimmer Duncan Scott at his blood test appointment at Randox Health Glasgow.

What Do Olympians think of our blood test for athletes?

Duncan Scott, who holds the record for winning the most medals for Team GB at a single Olympic games believes this is a really powerful tool for him to use to not just optimise and improve, but find peace of mind in a mentally challenging sport.

“The fact that there are so many parameters looked at in this test is really exciting to me. If a red flag comes up in my results, I think that’s a real positive because it’s been found now when I can take action on it rather than later during competition.”

Why should you invest in the Everyathlete programme? 

You have the power to optimise your performance

Whether its for a competition or simply to beat your personal best, blood testing offers you the opportunity to analyse specific biomarkers that are related to performance.   The define biomarkers as ‘a biological molecule found in blood, or other body fluids, or tissues that is a sign of a normal or abnormal process, or of a condition or disease.’   By analysing your blood, we offer a unique window into your personal health data allowing you to pinpoint areas of focus, and to implement effective change to improve performance.

For example, The National Diet and Nutrition Survey shows that 1 in 5 adults (23%) are deficient in Vitamins D and 3 in 5 (61%) are insufficient. Vitamin D is important in bone health, but “recent .”  As discussed in our blog  5 Vitamins and Minerals that boost your Energy Levels’, measuring and maintaining data points linked to vitamin and mineral levels can be a huge factor in eliminating issues you may have with fatigue, health, and mood which may be impacting your athletic performance. Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D measurements are included within the Everyathlete programme.

Undetected health issues can limit athletic performance

You may be thinking, but I feel physically fit, why should I get tested? Monitoring your health for undetected health issues can make a huge difference in understanding how you can improve your sports performance.  For example, according to NICE around 15% of the UK population have an enlarged thyroid gland and with any thyroid condition, working out can be challenging as it can affect the body’s ability to regulate mood, energy levels, and heart rate.  Early diagnosis through a blood test for athletes such as the Everyathlete can help manage symptoms and minimise complications through exercise. To find out more about Thyroid health read our blog Thyroid Health – What You Need To Know.’

Another key health area where problems can go undetected in athletes is the heart, with recent high profile examples of footballers John Fleck, Christian Erikson & recently Luton Town’s Tom Lockyer experiencing serious heart issues. According to the British Heart Association a staggering 7.6 million people in the UK are currently affected by cardiovascular disease. Randox Health can generate a detailed picture of your heart health through both the It is important to note that the home test is not as ‘detailed’ as the EveryAthlete. To find out more about your heart health and steps you can do to make a positive change, read our blog ‘4 Simple Steps to Keep Your Heart in Check.’

What is the Everyathlete programme?

The Randox Health Everyathlete programme provides measurement and testing of up to 80 data points linked to your general health, plus specific tests for hormone, nutrition, muscle and joint health. These tests are carried out in two health checks over a year, the second will be a repeat of the original to ensure that you stay on track, keep motivated and to monitor changes and improvements in your health data. Your results will be presented in a personalised health plan, including a scientific consultation for advice on your next fitness steps.

Bianca Cook (Team GB Athlete) - Future Of Health
Bianca Cook (formally Walkden) having blood pressure measured before a sample is collected.

Through the Everyathlete programme you will have a better understanding of your body composition, personal health measurements, full blood count, kidney, liver, heart health and more. The Everyathlete programme is perfect for anyone who wants to be proactive about their health, establish their health baseline prior to training and track their health data throughout their fitness journey.

I’m not an elite athlete, can I still get the Everyathlete programme?

The Everyathlete programme is available to those of all athletic abilities. We invite Every runner, player, bodybuilder, dancer and activity you may participate in. You can invite your entire sporting team if you wish! Whether you are a professional athlete, a fitness fanatic or just starting on your fitness journey, our Everyathlete health programme will provide key health insights to help optimise your training and nutrition for maximum performance whilst achieving your health and fitness goals.

Randox Health wishes to provide an informative space where we can assist reviewing deficits and key nutrition, which can impact energy levels and endurance, allowing you to adapt your diet and training regime. This data can be key to your best athletic performance.


What benefits can the Everyathlete programme bring to me?

Investing in your health is more than a trend or hot topic, as described in our recent blog ‘5 Reasons You Should Invest in Your Health’. When participating in physical activity of any kind, taking into consideration your stamina, injuries, recovery, and rest is essential. Understanding what is holding you back will help you to make adjustments to improve your training.

Taking control of your physical wellbeing can reap many benefits. Regular review of your personal health data through sample collection will allow you to take necessary action to optimise your health and performance. These results provide the opportunity for all athletes to take their health into their own hands.